FAQ Category: OPUS

OPU related FAQ

Is my username and password the same as it was in OMRS

In most cases the answer is no. No password information was migrated from OMRS to OPUS. Each member was prompted to create a password when they received the OPUS welcome email.

Usernames also differ in most cases. In OMRS, your username was the email address you had on file as your main email. The email that was primary in OMRS served as the basis for your OPUS username, but also included an extension of .kkytbs (email@email.com.kkytbs).

I’m listed as an officer in OPUS, why can’t I create forms?

With the move to OPUS, the ability to create forms was restricted to constitutionally required officers instead of providing that ability to all officers like in OMRS.

For Kappa Kappa Psi, these officers are: President, Vice President for Membership, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Alumni Relations Officer.

For Tau Beta Sigma these officers are: President, Vice President for Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer.